Hear what parents and professionals are saying about the positive impact of TEKNON Protocol on children's lives.
Hunter's Story
Hunter was born in 2016
At all his pediatrician check-up appointments, Hunter appeared to be on schedule with his physical growth and mental development.
At 6 months old my baby boy became very sick, including having a fever, for about three days. I assumed this was the reason for him not being himself; not eating, not looking at me when I called his name, not trying to babble or make noise in an effort to communicate, and not sleeping because of night terrors. A week turn into a month and a month turned into two years before Hunter attempted to walk or make any type of noise to communicate.
Hunter became very aggressive to everyone around him, including himself, pulling his hair, scratching himself and throwing his toys. Nothing held his attention for a significant amount of time. Desperate to help my son, I thankfully welcomed a package I received from a friend. In the package were four boxes of the TEKNON Protocol.
Being the mother I am, I researched the products, determining what they were, what they could do, and why they would help my son.
I started Hunter on the products, and he started babbling and trying to talk more in just two weeks. In those two weeks, he was still full of energy, but it seemed to be more positive with him playing with his toys, instead of throwing them in aggression. Then, Hunter started pointing at pictures on his board of wants and needs.
In another month, Hunter was going to bed by 11 pm, instead of his typical 1 am or 2 am. He was sleeping through the night without night terrors. I started to receive full eye contact when I spoke with him or when he wanted my attention.
Previously, Hunter had problems touching anything that was wet, sticky or in dirt. Hunter is now joyfully playing in dirt and shaving cream. I no longer have to swaddle him and restrain him to brush his teeth. He will let me brush his teeth without a fight.
The light in my son’s eyes is shining brighter and brighter every day. Hunter no longer needs a behavioral therapist, and his speech therapist says he is doing great. We believe this protocol has made Hunter’s quality of life 10,000% better.